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Ideas Matter provides a quick, easy way to learn from creators and experts about how ideas matter and impact peoples' lives.

What we do

The Journey
Important ideas are generated by by many people, including inventors and content industry creators like musicians.
We can learn from their positive stories and their negative ones. Applying their experience to our lives and careers can be a game changer.
Ideas Matter provides a carefully constructed library of informative stories, short videos, reels, posts and interviews obtained from reliable sources and curated by people who care.
Stories matter, too
New ideas are essential to businesses, relevant to society and a window into the future.
Understanding how to capture and use them moves them forward. Ideas Matters users and affiliates include businesses of all types and sizes, inventors, content industry creators, consumers, educators, students, universities and IP organizations.
Using Ideas matters helps to bring IP rights into clearer focus.
Ideas Matter was established in 2012 by Philips and Microsoft and is now a part of, an educational initiative of the nonproft Center for Intellectual Property Understanding (CIPU). Patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets help companies large and small, individuals and economies to grow. They also help level the competitive playing field and encourage sharing.
No Accident
It's no accident that America and other democracies are leaders in innovation, the arts and other areas where ideas matter.

Everyone Needs a Basic IP Awareness
Despite their importance, intellectual property rights --patents, trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights --remain complex and often misunderstood.
Ideas Matter provides information that helps to illustrate the role of IP rights.
People learn from first-hand IP stories.
IP Encourages Sharing
IP rights encourage sharing, openness and collaboration by allowing ideas to be discussed with less fear they will be stolen.
Inventions, designs, images, music and books are not there for the taking - although the speed and easy access to them may sometimes feel like they are.

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